Welcome to Monday the 6th of February and the 37th Day of 2023. Today we are taking a look at the 10 P’S THAT DETERMINE YOUR SUCCESS IN LIFE, CAREER & BUSINESS.
I know it is a bold claim to make because success is personal and comes as a result of so many factors that may vary from one person to the other and from one location to the other. From education to the environment to policies and privileges, the factors that determine success are varied indeed.
My trust is that after going through these 10 P’s, you will identify the essential universal factors that determine your success, the difference may only be found in the magnitude of it.
1. PERSONALITY – Discovering who you are should be the predominant pursuit of everyone. Knowing and building those essential characteristics that inform your thinking, feelings and behaviours go a long way to determine your success.
2. PURPOSE – Why you are here helps to define the focus of your pursuit in life. It helps to reduce distractions and sets you on a path of success and fulfilment.
3. POTENTIAL – This is defined as the latent qualities or abilities that may be developed and lead to future success or usefulness. Enhancing your potential helps you build the capacity to be more valuable and well sought after.
4. PASSION – Without intense energy, nothing worthwhile can be achieve. To succeed, one needs to be extremely passionate about their pursuit.
5. PURSUIT – What are you chasing? To succeed, you need to be fully aware of what that means and pursue it everyday of your life.
6. PERSISTENCE – this is defined as the attitude of continuing on a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition. Persistence is what enables you not to easily give up and to keep going.
7. PRODUCTIVITY – This is the measurement of performance in comparison to input and expectations. This is the effective use of time and resources and being fixated and accountable for results.
8. PEOPLE – Success is mostly about people; the value we deliver to people, the relationships we build with them, the perceptions they have of us, the opportunities they extend to us and the inputs they make in us.
9. POSSESSIONS – this is the state of having, owning, or controlling something. Without control and use of assets, it is almost impossible to sustain anything worthwhile.
10 PRAYER – Maintaining an active communication and relationship with God centers you. It gives you a sense of calm and peace in times of trouble, it reassures you in times of doubt, it gives you faith in the midst of uncertainty and gives you a sense of belonging in times of loneliness and despair.
Pay attention to these 10 P’s and see your life, career and business transform and succeed.
Welcome to Monday! Be Productive!