Alfred North Whitehead once said that “No one who achieves success does so without the help of others. The wise and confident acknowledge this help with gratitude.” Showing gratitude is a powerful tool indeed; one that can open further doors of opportunity, bring you favour and help you build productive and lasting relationships with people.
When we show genuine gratitude to people who have been good to us or being there for us; they tend to want to do more for us.
“The deepest craving of human nature is the need to be appreciated.” – William James
When we fail to show gratitude, we prevent ourselves from further attracting favour as people mostly never forget when a good deed has gone unrecognised or when they feel unappreciated for their efforts and kindness.
These are 7 ways that you can show gratitude to people;
1. Say “thank you”: Expressing gratitude is one of the simplest ways to show appreciation. Say “thank you” when someone helps you or does something nice for you. This simple phrase can go a long way in building goodwill and creating positive relationships.
2. Write a thank-you note: Taking the time to write a thank-you note is a thoughtful gesture that can make a big impact. It shows that you truly appreciate what someone has done for you and that you are willing to take the time to express your gratitude in a meaningful way.
3. Give a small gift: A small gift can be a nice way to show your appreciation for someone’s help or kindness. It doesn’t have to be anything expensive, just something thoughtful that shows you were thinking of them.
4. Acknowledge someone publicly: If someone has done something particularly helpful or noteworthy, consider acknowledging them publicly. This could be in a group setting, such as a meeting, or on social media. Publicly acknowledging someone can make them feel valued and appreciated.
5. Be specific in your gratitude: When expressing gratitude, be specific about what you are thankful for. This shows that you are paying attention and that you truly appreciate the person’s efforts.
6. Return the favor: If someone has helped you, consider returning the favor in some way. This doesn’t have to be an exact reciprocation, but rather a gesture of goodwill that shows you are willing to help them in return.
7. Show interest in the person: Finally, show interest in the person you are expressing gratitude towards. Ask them how they are doing, what they are interested in, or how you can help them. This shows that you value them as a person and not just for what they can do for you.