Welcome to Sunday the 5th of February and the 36th Day of 2023. Today we are taking a look at the 5 WAYS THE CHURCH CAN HELP THE ADVANCEMENT OF TECHNOLOGY.
Technology is fast advancing and becoming part of our everyday lives in ways that are frankly quite intrusive and scary. Like it or not, a lot is changing all around us as a result of technological advancements and without paying close attention to it and adapting it to take full advantages of the benefits presented, we will find ourselves obsolete in no time.
The church being a formidable institution and an indispensable player in nation building should not be left out of the advancement of technology and be reduced to just being a user of technology to spread the gospel but to position itself as an active player in the advancement of technology and the deployment of essential tools and resources to shape the conversation, policies and use of technology.
The following are my 5 proposed ways that the church can help advance technology and enable its use for good.
1. FUND RESEARCH – Trillions of dollars are already being spent in various research into technology around the world with private sector, donor agencies and government taking the lead as funders of these research. The church in its own way can set up research funds that church members and Christians can access to conduct local research into technology and how it can be used for good.
2. SET UP OR FUND TECH HUBS – Individuals, institutions and government in their own way are contributing to the setting up of tech hubs in many countries around the world and particularly in Africa. These tech hubs provide the enabling environment for the learning, practice and deployment of technology. The church, just like they set up schools in the past, can help set up or fund these tech hubs to help sustain their operations and impact.
3. SET UP SCHOLARSHIP SCHEMES FOR TECH STUDIES – For individuals in the church that desire advance studies in technology and innovation, the church should consider setting up scholarship schemes that will provide financial support to these individuals to further their studies and help them develop the knowledge and competencies to help the church use technology for good and the advancement of the gospel.
4. SET UP GADGETS & TOOLS FACILITY – Modern and advanced technology tools and gadgets are expensive; from 3D Printers, fast internet access, audio-visual tools, computers. The Church can help with the funding and acquisition of these tools that can be accessed at subsidized rental charges to members to aid them to advance technology and innovation.
5. SET UP INNOVATION & TECH FAIRS – There is a lot going on in the tech world and I am certain a lot of church members are involved in various aspects of tech. Setting up church wide or inter churches innovation and tech fairs and conferences will help expose what members are working on and also encourage others to pay attention to and work on technology to enable them showcase their works at subsequent tech fairs. This way, the world also gets to see what the church is promoting and attract funding and support from well meaning institutions and individuals to advance the course.
There you have it, 5 ways the church can help advance technology and support its members to be fully engaged and not leave it only to the world and remain users and not forerunners.
If you have any other ways, kindly share and let’s keep the conversation going.