I had my 1st in-person meeting in 2023 today. It was a meeting I got invited into to discuss some interesting initiative about to be launched which will provide working capital grants and technical support to businesses all year long.
As part of the meeting, we were to brainstorm names of persons and organizations that can be invited to play diverse roles and collaborate on this initiative.
During the brainstorm; 2 interesting things were realized. The 1st was that; Ghana really does not have a ‘poster boy’ for entrepreneurship; someone that champions entrepreneurship and is widely known nationwide and the 2nd was that the same old names were coming up to be considered for different roles in the initiative.
I know people have so much potential, talent and ability to deliver when given the chance. But when you or your organization is not known in certain circles, you will miss out on so many opportunities and it won’t be because you are not good enough, just not known enough.
For you, my advice will be pay attention to building your personal and corporate brands. Be intentional about putting yourself out there, build strategic alignment, enhance your network and leverage your connections.
Being good at what you do is great but not being known for being good can deprive you of your biggest breakthrough.
Don’t slack in 2023, let me build you a website and help you with your personal & business branding… DM if interested.